Click on the name of the story you want to read, or pick another topic. Stories with a
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- A New City
- A New Plan For a Safer Dam
- Amusement Parks
- Blind Man Sues Cab Company
- Burning Wood Bad for the Air
- Buying and Selling Votes
- California Governor Pulls Investments from Other Country
- Californians Worried about Economy
- Child Safety Seats
- Computer Virus
- Council May Purchase Needles
- Couple Says They are Guilty
- Crisis Nursery
- Danger at Car Shows
- Defenders of Foster Children Gather at State Capitol
- Disabled Parking Signs Abused
- Disc Jockey Threatens Lives
- DNA Solves Very Old Murder
- Drivers Caught Running Red Lights
- Electoral College
- Energy Changes in California?
- Ex-Officer Sentenced to Jail
- Executions in California May be Stopped
- Freemen Surrender
- Girl Dies
- Group that Saves Animals Given Phony Donation
- Guest Worker Program
- Gun Control
- Hate Crimes
- Home Invasion
- Ice Cream Vendors Cannot Sell Toys
- Judge Blocks Sale
- Judge Decides Part of Pledge is Unconstitutional
- Judge Stops Water
- Kids In Jail - A New Plan
- Law Protects Disabled People
- Lawmakers Pass a Drug Bill
- Lawmakers Want to Ban Cell Phones
- Man Gets Calls and Sues
- Many People Vote
- Marijuana Proposition
- Murderer's Movie
- Neighbors Fight
- New Driving Laws for Teens
- New Driving Laws May be Passed
- Officers May Be Required to Workout
- Parents Arrested When Students Skip School
- Parents Warned About Technology and Drug Use
- Patient Rights
- Police Arrest Parents
- Police Find Drugs
- Police Officer Delivers Own Baby
- President Asks People to Conserve Fuel
- Red Light Runners
- Ruling by the Courts
- Smoking May be Banned in Cars
- Sprewell Reinstated
- Stolen Identity Blocks New Job
- Stop Carjacking
- Student on Trial for Changing Grades
- Students Sue Over Tuition
- Teen Drinking
- Teen Suicide
- Threatened at School
- Tip Leads to Arrest
- Trying to Change CPS
- TV Programs Effect Jurors
- Unity Center
- University Students Not Allowed to Drink Alcohol
- Voting Machines Go Through More Testing
- Wild Horses Killed
NOTE: Some of these stories came from news stories, which may be old. Things may have changed since the story was written. Be sure to check before you do something based on these stories.